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Windows Shortcut Keys:

Ctrl + C Copies the selected text, files, or items to the clipboard.
Ctrl + X Cuts the selected text, files, or items and places them in the clipboard.
Ctrl + V Pastes the copied or cut content from the clipboard to the current location.
Ctrl + Z Undoes the last action performed.
Ctrl + Y Redoes the last undone action.
Ctrl + A Selects all items (text, files, etc.) in the current window or document.
Ctrl + S Saves the current document or file.
Ctrl + P Opens the Print dialog to print the current document or window.
Alt + Tab Cycles through open apps and windows, allowing you to quickly switch between them.(Switch between open apps)
Alt + F4 Closes the current window or program. If no windows are open, it opens the shutdown dialog.
Windows + D Minimizes all windows to show the desktop. Pressing it again restores the windows.
Windows + E Opens File Explorer, which allows you to browse your computer's files and folders.
Windows + L Locks your computer and returns you to the sign-in screen.
Windows + R Opens the Run dialog where you can type commands to launch programs or open files/folders quickly.
Windows + M Minimizes all windows.
Windows + Shift + M Restores any minimized windows.
Windows + P Opens the projection options for connecting to another display or projector.
System Shortcuts:

Ctrl + Shift + Esc Opens Task Manager directly, where you can manage running processes, performance, and system details.
Windows + X Opens a menu with quick access to system tools like Device Manager, Disk Management, Command Prompt, Task Manager, and more.
Windows + I Opens the Settings app, allowing you to configure various system settings (personalization, network, privacy, etc.).
Windows + S Opens the search bar where you can search for apps, files, and system settings.
F2 Allows you to rename the selected file or folder in File Explorer.
F5 Refreshes the current window, such as reloading the content in File Explorer or a web browser.
Window Management Shortcuts :

1. Windows + Arrow keys (Snap window)
Windows + Left Arrow Snaps the active window to the left half of the screen.
Windows + Right Arrow Snaps the active window to the right half of the screen.
Windows + Up Arrow Maximizes the active window.
Windows + Down Arrow Minimizes the active window or restores it from a maximized state.
Windows + Tab Opens Task View.
2. Window Management Shortcuts :
  • Opens Task View, showing all open windows and allowing you to switch between them or create a new virtual desktop.
3. Windows + Shift + Left/Right Arrow (Move window to another monitor):
  • Moves the active window between multiple monitors connected to your computer.
4. Alt + Space (Open window menu):
  • Opens the window's system menu, allowing you to restore, minimize, maximize, or close the window. You can also move or resize the window.
System Shortcuts :

Ctrl + Shift + Esc Opens Task Manager directly, where you can manage running processes, performance, and system details.
Windows + X Opens a menu with quick access to system tools like Device Manager, Disk Management, Command Prompt, Task Manager, and more.
Windows + I Opens the Settings app, allowing you to configure various system settings (personalization, network, privacy, etc.).
Windows + S Opens the search bar where you can search for apps, files, and system settings.
F2 Allows you to rename the selected file or folder in File Explorer.
F5 Refreshes the current window, such as reloading the content in File Explorer or a web browser.
Accessibility Shortcuts

Windows + U Opens the Ease of Access center to configure accessibility features like magnification, narrator, high contrast, etc.
Windows + Plus (+) Opens the Magnifier tool to zoom in on part of the screen.
Windows + Escape Closes the Magnifier tool.
Windows + Ctrl + Enter Turns on Narrator, a screen reader that reads text aloud for visually impaired users.
Other Useful Shortcuts :

Alt + Enter Displays the properties window of the selected file or folder.
F11 Switches the current window to full-screen mode, often used in browsers.
Ctrl + Shift + N Creates a new folder in File Explorer.
Windows + H Opens the voice dictation tool, allowing you to dictate text into any text field.
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopens the last closed tab in most web browsers.

Other Useful Shortcuts :

Here’s a list of important shortcut keys for the Microsoft Office package, including Word, Excel, Power Point, and Outlook to help enhance your productivity:

Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys :

Ctrl + C Copy the selected text or object
Ctrl + X Cut the selected text or object
Ctrl + V Paste the copied or cut text or object
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + Y Redo the last undone action
Ctrl + S Save the document
Ctrl + P Print the document
Ctrl + A Select all text
Ctrl + B Bold the selected text
Ctrl + I Italicize the selected text
Ctrl + U Underline the selected text
Ctrl + K Insert a hyperlink
Ctrl + F Open the Find dialog
Ctrl + H Open the Find and Replace dialog
Ctrl + N Open a new document
Ctrl + W Close the current document
Ctrl + M Indent the paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + M Remove paragraph indentation
Ctrl + Shift + N Apply Normal style
Ctrl + E Center-align the text
Ctrl + L Left-align the text
Ctrl + R Right-align the text
Ctrl + J Justify the text
Ctrl + Shift + F Open the Font dialog box
Ctrl + Home Go to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + End Go to the end of the document
Page Up Move one page up
Page Down Move one page down
Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + C Copy the selected cells
Ctrl + X Cut the selected cells
Ctrl + V Paste the copied or cut cells
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + Y Redo the last undone action
Ctrl + S Save the workbook
Ctrl + P Print the workbook
Ctrl + A Select all cells in the sheet
Ctrl + T Create a table from the selected range
Ctrl + D Fill the selected cells with the value from the cell above
Ctrl + R Fill the selected cells with the value from the left
Ctrl + Shift + "+" Insert a new row or column
Ctrl + "-" Delete the selected row or column
Ctrl + Shift + L Toggle filters on or off
Ctrl + H Open Find and Replace
Ctrl + F Open the Find dialog
Ctrl + N Open a new workbook
Ctrl + F1 Toggle the ribbon visibility
Alt + E, S, V Open the Paste Special dialog
Arrow keys Move one cell in the direction of the arrow
Ctrl + Arrow keys Move to the edge of data in the direction of the arrow
Page Up/Page Down Move one screen up or down
Ctrl + Home Move to the first cell (A1)
Ctrl + End Move to the last cell with data
Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + C Copy the selected object or text
Ctrl + X Cut the selected object or text
Ctrl + V Paste the copied or cut object or text
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + Y Redo the last undone action
Ctrl + S Save the presentation
Ctrl + P Print the presentation
Ctrl + M Insert a new slide
Ctrl + D Duplicate the selected slide or object
Ctrl + A Select all objects on the current slide
Ctrl + B Bold the selected text
Ctrl + I Italicize the selected text
Ctrl + U Underline the selected text
Ctrl + K Insert a hyperlink
Ctrl + F Open Find
Ctrl + H Open Find and Replace
Ctrl + N Open a new presentation
Ctrl + W Close the current presentation
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy the formatting of the selected object
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste the copied formatting to another object
Arrow keys Move through objects and slides
Page Up/Page Down Move to the previous or next slide
F5 Start the slideshow from the beginning
Shift + F5 Start the slideshow from the current slide
Alt + N, P Insert a picture
Microsoft Outlook Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + N Create a new email message
Ctrl + R Reply to the selected email
Ctrl + Shift + R Reply all to the selected email
Ctrl + F Forward the selected email
Ctrl + Enter Send the email
Ctrl + Shift + M Create a new message
Ctrl + Shift + I Switch to the Inbox
Ctrl + Shift + O Switch to the Outbox
Ctrl + 1 Go to the Mail view
Ctrl + 2 Go to the Calendar view
Ctrl + 3 Go to the Contacts view
Ctrl + 4 Go to the Tasks view
Ctrl + Shift + K Create a new task
Alt + S Send the email
Ctrl + P Print the selected email or calendar item
Ctrl + Arrow keys Move between different parts of the email or calendar
Ctrl + Shift + F Open the Advanced Find dialog
Ctrl + E Open the Search box

These are important shortcut keys for the Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook). These shortcuts can greatly improve your efficiency when working in these applications.

Internet Browser Shortcut Keys (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.)

Ctrl + T Open a new tab
Ctrl + N Open a new window
Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new incognito (private) window
Ctrl + W Close the current tab
Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window
Ctrl + Tab Switch to the next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Switch to the previous tab
Ctrl + R or F5 Reload the current page
Ctrl + L or Alt + D Focus on the address bar
Ctrl + F Open the Find bar to search the page
Ctrl + H Open History page
Ctrl + J Open Downloads page
Ctrl + P Print the current page
Ctrl + Shift + P Open the Print dialog (for printing a page to PDF)
Alt + Home Go to the home page
Ctrl + + Zoom in
Ctrl + - Zoom out
Ctrl + 0 Reset zoom to default
Alt + Left Arrow Go back to the previous page
Alt + Right Arrow Go forward to the next page
Backspace Go back to the previous page (Chrome, Firefox, Edge)
Spacebar Scroll down the page
Shift + Spacebar Scroll up the page

Tally prime

Here are some useful Tally Prime shortcut keys that can help you navigate and perform tasks quickly:

General Shortcuts :

Ctrl + A Accept or save the current entry
Ctrl + Q Quit Tally Prime or exit the current screen
Ctrl + X Cut the selected item
Ctrl + C Copy the selected item
Ctrl + V Paste the copied or cut item
Esc Go back to the previous screen or cancel the current action
F1 Select Company (Open the Company selection menu)
F2 Change the Date
F3 Select the period (Financial Year or Accounting Period)
F4 Contra voucher (Used for bank and cash transactions)
F5 Payment voucher
F6 Receipt voucher
F7 Journal voucher
F8 Sales voucher
F9 Purchase voucher
F10 Use for different company options (to select features for the company)
F11 Company Features (For configuring or modifying the company’s settings)
F12 Configuration (To set up the system configuration)
Alt + C Create a new account, group, or ledger
Alt + A Alter or modify existing entries
Alt + D Delete selected entry or item
Alt + I Insert a new entry or item in lists or vouchers
Alt + G Go to any voucher, report, or menu by entering the name
Alt + P Print the current report or voucher
Alt + W Add a new ledger or group
Ctrl + R Revert to the previous screen (undo action)
Ctrl + F Filter data based on specific criteria
Ctrl + N Create a new voucher or entry
Voucher Shortcuts:

Ctrl + V View the current voucher
Ctrl + P Print the voucher
Ctrl + U Update a voucher
Ctrl + L Display the ledger from the voucher entry screen
Ctrl + E Open the voucher's entry screen for editing
Ctrl + H Show the history of the voucher
Ctrl + G View the details of the selected entry
Navigational Shortcuts:

Alt + F1 Display Detailed Account Information
Alt + F2 Change the Date (navigate to another date)
Alt + F3 Change the company (switch between companies)
Alt + F4 Close the current session
Ctrl + Alt + D Display the Daybook (detailed transaction report)
Ctrl + Alt + E Display the Voucher Register
Ctrl + Alt + T Open the Trial Balance
Ctrl + Alt + R Open the Receipt Note (stock entry)
Report Shortcuts

Alt + H Display the Help screen (quick access to help topics)
Alt + N Display the Stock Summary report
Alt + P Display the Profit and Loss Account
Alt + B Display Balance Sheet
Ctrl + G Display the General Ledger
Ctrl + L Display the Ledger Voucher Register
Configuration Shortcuts

F12 + A Enable/Disable Accounting Features
F12 + S Enable/Disable Stock Management Features
F12 + T Enable/Disable TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) Features
F12 + G Enable/Disable GST Features
Adobe Photoshop Shortcut Keys

Here are the important shortcut keys for Adobe Photoshop to help you work more efficiently:

Ctrl + N New Document
Ctrl + O Open Document
Ctrl + S Save Document
Ctrl + Shift + S Save As
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + Alt + Z Step backward (undo multiple steps)
Ctrl + Shift + Z Step forward (redo multiple steps)
Ctrl + C Copy selected area
Ctrl + X Cut selected area
Ctrl + V Paste copied or cut area
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + D Deselect selection
Ctrl + T Free Transform
Ctrl + J Duplicate selected layer
Ctrl + Shift + N New Layer
Ctrl + G Group selected layers
Ctrl + E Merge selected layers
Ctrl + Shift + E Merge visible layers
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E Stamp visible layers to a new layer
Ctrl + Shift + I Invert selection
Ctrl + L Levels dialog box
Ctrl + M Curves dialog box
Ctrl + U Hue/Saturation dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + U Desaturate image (convert to grayscale)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K Preferences (Keyboard Shortcuts)
Adobe Photoshop Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N New layer
Ctrl + G Group layers
Ctrl + E Merge selected layers
Ctrl + Shift + E Merge visible layers
Ctrl + [ or ] Select layer below or above
Ctrl + Alt + G Create a clipping mask
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy merged
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste in place
Ctrl + Shift + F Fill layer with foreground color
CorelDRAW Shortcut Keys

Here are some useful Tally Prime shortcut keys that can help you navigate and perform tasks quickly:

CorelDRAW Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + N New Document
Ctrl + O Open Document
Ctrl + S Save Document
Ctrl + P Print Document
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + Y Redo last action
Ctrl + C Copy selected object(s)
Ctrl + X Cut selected object(s)
Ctrl + V Paste copied or cut object(s)
Ctrl + A Select all objects
Ctrl + Shift + A Deselect all objects
Ctrl + E Export the file
Ctrl + D Duplicate selected object(s)
Ctrl + G Group selected objects
Ctrl + U Ungroup selected objects
Ctrl + Shift + G Ungroup all objects
Delete Delete selected object(s)
Ctrl + Shift + N Create new layer
Ctrl + L Lock selected object(s)
Ctrl + Alt + L Unlock all objects
P Pick Tool (Select and move objects)
F7 Zoom Tool
F6 Freehand Tool (Draw freehand shapes)
B Bezier Tool (Create curves and lines)
M Shape Tool (Edit nodes on curves)
T Text Tool
L Ellipse Tool (Draw circles and ellipses)
R Rectangle Tool (Draw rectangles and squares)
F4 Zoom to fit the whole page
Ctrl + F4 Close active document
Ctrl + R Ruler tool on/off
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Interactive Fill Tool
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Zoom in/out
Page Up/Page Down Scroll one page up/down
Home/End Go to the beginning or end of the document
Ctrl + Home Go to the start of the page
Ctrl + End Go to the end of the page
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy Object Style
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste Object Style
Ctrl + F Find object
Alt + F4 Close CorelDRAW
Ctrl + F12 Open the Object Manager
Ctrl + M Merge objects

These shortcut keys can significantly increase your efficiency when working with Adobe Photoshop and CorelDRAW. By using these shortcuts, you'll be able to speed up various tasks like editing, navigation, and tool access. Let me know if you need more specific help or additional shortcuts!

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